快速凝固Al88Cr2Ni10-xMnx(x=0,5,7 或10) 合金准晶相的形成
论文作者:李明军 宋广生 吕衣礼 杨根仓 周尧和
文章页码:228 - 232
关键词:AlCrNiMn合金 快速凝固 相形成 准晶
Key words:AlCrNiMn alloy, rapid solidification , phase formation , quasicrystal
摘 要:采用Edmund Buhler超快速急冷液淬装置, 结合X射线衍射(XRD)和透射电子显微技术(TEM), 研究了Al88Cr2Ni10-xMnx(x=0, 5, 7 或10)合金在快速凝固条件下的准晶相形成规律。 结果表明, 随着Mn含量的提高, 合金的非晶程度逐渐减 小,直至完全消失; 准晶含量逐渐增加, 当x=10时, 准晶含量约为50%。在Al88Cr2Ni10合金中, 准晶晶粒细小, 没有充分长大 。 随 着Ni含量的减小,初生相准晶已经充分长大, 呈规则的菊花状。 Ni和Mn的含量对晶态α-Al影响不大。
Abstract: The quasicrystalline phase formation of rapidly solidified Al88Cr2Ni10-xMnx(x=0, 5, 7 or 10) alloys sythesized in Edmund Buhler by splat-quenching was investigated by means of X-ray diffraction(XRD) and transmission electron microscopy(TEM). The results indicated that the content of amorphous alloy decreased gradually with increasing Mn, and finally disappeared completely, while the content of the quasicrystal phase increased step by step, which was about 50% when x=10, namely in Al88Cr2Ni10-xMnx alloy. The size of quasicrystal phase in Al88Cr2Ni10 alloy was small and premature. The primary phase of quasicrystals exhibiting rosette-like microstructures was fully developed with decreasing Ni. The content of Ni and Mn had littile influence on the morphological aspects of crystalline α-Al solid solution.