Effect of cooling condition on microstructure of semi-solid AZ91 slurry produced via ultrasonic vibration process


论文作者:张亮 吴国华 王少华 丁文江

文章页码:2357 - 2363


Key words:AZ91 alloy; semi-solid; ultrasonic vibration; microstructure; cooling condition

摘    要:利用超声振动法制备AZ91合金半固态浆料,在不同温度区间和冷却速率下对熔体进行超声处理,研究冷却条件对AZ91半固态浆料微观组织的影响。结果表明:在形核阶段,熔体在超声振动引发的空化和声流效应作用下,能够获得细小、近球状的初生α-Mg固相颗粒;在固液相线温度区间内,随着超声温度下限的降低,半固态浆料的固相率和固相颗粒的平均尺寸增加;在超声振动过程中,随着冷却速率的提高,半固态浆料的固相率增大,固相颗粒的平均形状因子降低。在本实验条件下,适宜的超声振动温度区间为605 ℃到595 ℃或590 ℃,合适的冷却速率为2~3 ℃/min。

Abstract: The effects of cooling conditions on the microstructure of semi-solid AZ91 slurry produced via ultrasonic vibration process were investigated. AZ91 melts were subjected to ultrasonic vibration in different temperature ranges under different cooling rates. The results show that fine and spherical α-Mg particles are obtained under ultrasonic vibration at the nucleation stage, which is mainly attributed to the cavitation and acoustic streaming induced by the ultrasonic vibration. The reduction of lower limit of ultrasonic vibration temperature between the liquidus and solidus increases the solid volume fraction and average particle size. Increasing cooling rate increases the solid volume fraction and reduces the average shape factor of particles. The appropriate temperature range for ultrasonic vibration is from 605 ℃ to 595 ℃ or 590 ℃, and the suitable cooling rate is 2-3 ℃/min.


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