

论文作者:张会臣 高玉周 孙昌国 刘莎 严立

文章页码:1400 - 1404

关键词:纳米薄膜; 摩擦; 离子束增强沉积; 原子力/摩擦力显微镜

Key words:nanometer coating; friction; ion beam enhanced deposition; atomic force microscope/friction force microscope

摘    要:在原子力显微镜上对采用离子束增强沉积方法制备的4种纳米金属薄膜的摩擦特性进行了研究, 分析了载荷和滑动速度对金属薄膜摩擦特性的影响,并对4种纳米金属薄膜的特性进行了比较。结果表明: 铜薄膜的摩擦力随着滑动速度的增加而基本保持不变, 镍薄膜的摩擦力随着滑动速度的增加而略有增加, 钛薄膜的摩擦力随着滑动速度的增加而显著增加, 而铝薄膜的摩擦力随着滑动速度的增加而减小; 4种纳米薄膜的摩擦力均随着载荷的增大而增大,并且都存在一个载荷值, 超过这个值, 接触刚度增大, 摩擦力急剧增加; 4种薄膜中,铜薄膜的摩擦力最小, 铝薄膜在载荷较大时的摩擦力最大; 4种纳米金属薄膜摩擦特性的差异与薄膜的结构、形貌特征有关。

Abstract: The friction properties of four kinds of metal coatings prepared by ion beam enhanced deposition were studied by atomic force microscopy. Influences of load and sliding velocity on friction properties were analyzed. The differences among four coatings were discussed. The results indicate that the friction force of copper keeps invariable and the friction forces of nickel coating and titanium coating increase slightly and markedly respectively with increasing sliding velocity. However, with increasing sliding velocity, the friction force of aluminium coating decreases. The friction forces of all four kinds of coatings increase with increasing load. There exists a threshold, which friction forces increase sharply when load exceeds it. The phenomena can be explained by the concept of contact stiffness. The friction force of copper coating is the least and the friction force of aluminium is the largest. The differences among these four coatings can be explained by structure and topography of coatings.

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