论文作者:周厚室 易诗军
文章页码:73 - 83
关键词:火山口; 火山机构; 放射状裂隙; 爆破角砾岩; 火山岩系; 喷发旋回; 火山构造; 火山通道; 岩屑凝灰岩; 压性结构面
摘 要:本文从火山岩系的层序、喷发旋回、火山岩岩相和火山构造等方面,对西山火山机构进行研究。确定各类火山喷发物都向火山口中心倾斜,构成环状地质体;放射状裂隙向火山口外撒开,向中心收敛;环状裂隙向火山口内外倾斜和压性结构面围绕火山口周围分布。事实表明:西山是一个典型的火山口。
Abstract: We studied volcanic mechanism at West Mountain mainly from the volcanic rock sequence, eruptive cycles, volcanic rock facies and the stru ctures of volcano, etc.We obtained the following conclusions primarily;The various kind of eruptive materials are inclinig toward the center, so it is a ring-like terrain; fractures spreaded out from the center, but fractures are concentrated toward the center, so it is a radiated fracture setting; fractures incline toward center and spreaded out from the volcano of the crater, leads the formation of a ring-like fracture system.The West mountain is characterized by the presence of ring-like ter rain; radiated fracture setting; ring like fracture system and the prence of compressire textuced planes around crater, etc. So this mountain is cer tainly a typical crater.