论文作者:张清香 黄小丽 范淑琴
文章页码:171 - 175
关键词:钼; 空气-乙炔焰; 原子吸收分光光度法
Key words:molybdenum; air-acetylene flame,atomic absorption spectrophotometry
摘 要:在日立Z-8000原子吸收分光光度计上,确定了钼的最佳测定条件.考察了多种干扰离子的影响及其消除方法,钼的测定线性范围宽(0~0.2g/L).结合王水或饱和了氯酸钾的硝酸溶解样品,成功地测定了含钼量在0.01%~50%的某多金属矿样品,与传统的硫氰酸盐比色法及铜酸铅重量法结果对照,符合得很好.该法具有快速、简便及更适合分析高含量样品的特点.
Abstract: Optimization of analytical conditions of molybdenum is studied on Hitach Model Z-8000atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The influences of other ions are also studied and dis-pelled successfully.There is a linear relationship between absorbance and the concentrationof molybdenum in a wide range,0~0.2g/L. The method is successfully applied to the samples in which the contents of molybdenum change from 0.01%to 50%. It is simple and quick,and especially well used to determine high contents of molybdenum.