文章页码:444 - 451
关键词:推断; 并行处理; 人工智能/面向目标; Smalltalk
Key words:inference; arallel processing; artificial intelligence/object-oriented; smalltalk
摘 要:本文着重讨论如何用并发Smalltalk-80来实现产生式规则的并行处理,规则推理主要应用于专家系统,这种机制是建立在顺序推理之上,同时讨论了前向、后向的归纳、演绎推理和规则匹配的复杂度。
Abstract: This paper is concerned mainly with how to use Concurrent Smalltalk-80 to implement parallelinference engine of production rules in expert system which is based on the sequential reasoningand with the way of forward chaining reasoning and backward chaining deduction. Matching com-plexity is also discussed.