

图书来源:二元合金相图及中间相晶体结构 二元合金相图及中间相晶体结构

作 者:唐仁政 田荣璋


定 价:320元




Melt nucleating and the three-dimension steady model of the temperature fluctuation with convection

Mingwen Chen, Renji Sun, Zidong Wang, and Fengying Wang Applied Science School, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China Material Science and Engineering School, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China Beijing Materials Institute, Beijing 101149, China

摘 要:<正>A three-dimensional steady model of temperature fluctuation with melt convection is studied. It is proved that there exists a unique and stable solution in the model and the solution is expressed in a Fourier series form. It theoretically confirms the mechanism of melt nucleating: as long as the convection with transverse directions exists, the melt temperature on the front of the solid-liquid interface would be not only periodical along the direction which is perpendicular to the direction of crystal growth, but also oscillatory and exponential decay along the direction of crystal growth; this oscillatory property, i.e. temperature fluctuation, leads to local supercooling, accelerates local temperature fluctuation and then results in a large number of nuclei.


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