Effects of mask wall angle on matrix-hole shape changes during electrochemical machining by mask


论文作者:李冬林 朱荻 李寒松 刘金国

文章页码:1115 - 1120

Key words:electrochemical machining; matrix-hole; machining accuracy; current density distribution


The influences of the mask wall angle on the current density distribution, shape of the evolving cavity and machining accuracy were investigated in electrochemical machining (ECM) by mask. A mathematical model was developed to predict the shape evolution during the ECM by mask. The current density distribution is sensitive to mask wall angle. The evolution of cavity is determined by the current density distribution of evolving workpiece surface. The maximum depth is away from the center of holes machined, which leads to the island appearing at the center of cavity for mask wall angles greater than or equal to 90° (β≥90°). The experimental system was established and the simulation results were experimentally verified. The results indicate that the simulation results of cavity shape are consistent with the actual ones. The experiments also show that the repetition accuracy of matrix-hole for β≥90° is higher than that for β<90°. A hole taper is diminished, and the machining accuracy is improved with the mask wall angle increasing.

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