文章页码:149 - 155
关键词:氯化; 蒸馏; 砷; 锑; 回收
Key words:chlorite; distil; arsenic; antimony; recovery
摘 要:本文采用低温氯化-蒸馏法处理高砷锑烟尘,使砷与锑达以分离;砷的回收先用Na2S使其沉淀为As2S3,再用CuSO4溶液浸出,然后浓缩、结晶出As2O3;锑的回收采用升温蒸馏法获SbCl3。该法流程和设备较简单,砷锑分离彻底,污染小,试剂消耗低,产品纯度均高达99.9%以上,有显著的社会效益和经济效益。
Abstract: Low temperature chlorination leaching-distilling process is adopted in this paper to treat smoky dust with high content of arsenic and antimony so as to separate arsenic and antimony. Na2S is used to precipate As2S3 which is then leached by using CuSO4 solution and concentrated into crystallized As2O3. Antimony is recovered by using rising temperature distilling method to condense SbCl3. This technique has many advantages-simple flowsheet and equipment, thorough separation between arsenic and antimony, low consumption and cost, high purity of products (above 99. 9%), and conspicuous social and economic benefit.