

论文作者:左罗 王玉普 胡志明 沈瑞 熊伟 高树生 肖红荣

文章页码:4129 - 4136


Key words:shale; adsorption; supercritical; adsorption model; high temperature and pressure

摘    要:基于对现有页岩吸附、超临界吸附的认识通过基本假设和统计热力学基本原理推导出一个高温高压等温吸附新模型,并用GAI-100高压等温吸附仪获取95.6 ℃下页岩及活性炭在0~50 MPa压力范围内的等温吸附曲线,研究结果表明:页岩及活性炭的高温高压等温吸附曲线具有超临界高压等温吸附曲线的典型特征即随着压力的增大过剩吸附量先增大后减小;该新模型能很好地描述页岩及活性炭的高温高压等温吸附曲线,说明此模型在很大程度上反映出超临界高压吸附的特性而且可用来描述页岩及活性炭的高温高压等温吸附曲线。

Abstract: Based on the understanding of adsorption on shale and supercritical adsorption, a new model on adsorption was developed at high temperatures and pressures with some basic assumptions and basic theory of statistical thermodynamics, and with GAI-100 adsorption apparatus the isotherms of methane adsorption on shale and activated carbon were obtained from 0 to 50 MPa at 95.6 ℃. The results show that these two isotherms of shale and activated carbon have the typical feature of supercritical adsorption isotherm, the excess adsorption first increases and then decreases as pressure climbs up, and that the new adsorption model can fit the acquired isotherms effectively, which indicates that the model can reflect the intrinsic character of supercritical adsorption at high pressure. This model can be applied to various substances.


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