

论文作者:马晓艳 杨柏 毕晓昉 宫声凯 徐惠彬

文章页码:1383 - 1386

关键词:纳米多层膜;磁畴; 磁泡; 铁磁耦合

Key words:nano-multilayer; magnetic domain; magnetic bubble; ferromagnetic coupling

摘    要:采用洛仑兹电子显微镜研究了磁控溅射沉积制备的Cu(20nm)/Co/Cu/Co纳米多层膜磁畴结构随铁磁层间耦合效应的变化。 Cu中间层厚度较薄时, 由于铁磁层之间的耦合作用, 纳米多层膜为垂直易磁化, 磁畴为磁泡结构, 磁泡的平均直径随Cu中间层厚度的增加而减小, 多层膜矫顽力呈减小趋势。 当Cu中间层厚度大于3nm时, 铁磁层之间的耦合作用减弱, 纳米多层膜为面内易磁化, 磁泡结构的磁畴消失,全部为具有波纹状的接近180°畴壁的磁畴结构。

Abstract: Series of Cu(20nm)/Co/Cu/Co nano-multilayers were deposited by magnetron sputtering method. The relationship between magnetic domain structure and ferromagnetic interlayer coupling was investigated by means of Lorentz electron microscope. When the thickness of Cu intermediate layer is thinner, magnetic bubbles domain is revealed, indicating that the easy axis is perpendicular to the surface. This result is considered to be ascribed by coupling effect of ferromagnetic layers. As the thickness of Cu intermediate layer increases, the average diameter of magnetic bubbles decreases and the coercivity also decreases. When the thickness of Cu intermediate layer is more than 3nm, the magnetic bubbles vanish and ripple magnetic domain structure with 180° domain wall can be observed, due to the weakening ferromagnetic coupling effect between Co layers.


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