论文作者:胡其平 赵清海 周建华
文章页码:354 - 357
关键词:镍-硼共渗; 扩散; 组织结构
Key words:nickel-boronizing; diffusion; structure
摘 要:本文运用金相、扫描电镜波谱仪以及X射线衍射技术和残余应力测试研究分析了碳钢的镍-硼共渗层组织结构、形成机理及性能特点.结果表明:碳钢镍-硼共渗层主要存在(Fe、Ni)B、(Fe、Ni)2B等齿针状化合物和存在于这些硼化物齿间的γ-(Fe、Ni)固溶体.指出镍的硼化物和齿间固溶体有利于克服单渗硼存在的不足,镍-硼共渗是一种较理想的表面处理技术.
Abstract: Formation mechanism of surface layer structure in nickel-boronizing steel was studied using metallography,X-Ray diffraction,SEM and WDS technique.The results indicate that there are mainly(Fe、Ni)B,(Fe、Ni)2B and γ-(Fe、Ni)solid solution from the surface to the matrix of the steel.Such structure contributes to overcoming the shortcoming of single boronizing treatment so that nickel-boronizing is an ideal surface treatment.