

论文作者:李学军 刘义伦 肖友刚 李小斌

文章页码:1074 - 1078

关键词:多支承; 回转窑; 轴线调整; 参数优化

Key words:multi-supporting; rotary kiln; adjusting axes; optimizing parameter

摘    要:回转窑是冶金、水泥、耐火材料生产中的关键设备,是一种重载、大扭矩、多支点、静不定运行系统,对它运行轴线的合理调整是维护设备安全运行的关键。建立了回转窑托轮支承力计算的线性公式,以托轮最大支承力最小为目标函数建立优化模型,并结合现场实例对回转窑轴线进行调整优化,得出了一些有用的结论。

Abstract: Kiln is the key equipment in the production of metallurgy, cement and material of fire-fast. It is the statically indeterminate system with over load, large torque and multi-supporting. The rational adjustment of the axes is crucial to the safe operation of rotary kiln. The liner formulas for calculating the supporting force of the supporting wheels fixing on the rotate kiln are derived . The model for optimizing adjustment of kiln axes is established,which object function is the largest supporting force of the supporting wheels. The research for one kiln is achieved in practice. Some useful analysis conclusions are obtained.

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