


论文作者:田野 高晓华 汤建民 胡贤磊 刘相华

文章页码:55 - 59

关键词:热轧带钢; 粗轧; 短行程控制; 粒子群遗传优化

Key words:hot strip; rough rolling; short stroke control; particle swarm genetic optimization

摘    要:为了提高热轧带钢粗轧阶段头尾宽度控制精度,通常采用头尾形状短行程控制(SSC)的方法。针对传统短行程控制模型在实际应用中头尾宽度控制精度低的现实情况,采用一种全新的群智能寻优方法——粒子群遗传优化(PSGO)算法,结合现场工艺和实测数据优化短行程控制模型参数。现场实际应用表明:采用PSGO算法优化后的热轧带钢头尾短行程控制模型,能够将带钢头尾与稳定段宽度超差控制在1.8 mm之内,缩短了超差长度,将带钢头尾切损率减低到2%以下。

Abstract: To improve the width control precision of hot strip during rough rolling for prediction,the method of head and tail shape short stroke control(SSC) was usually adopted.For the current situation of low head and tail width control precision of conventional short stroke control model in practice,a new swarm intelligence optimization method—particle swarm genetic optimization(PSGO) algorithm was used to optimize short stroke control model parameters based on practical data.The practical application proves that short stroke control model after using particle swarm genetic optimization algorithm can control strip head and tail width and width steady portion within one point eight millimeters,shorten width tolerance length,strip head and tail cut loss rate reduces to under two percents.




2.北京金自天正智能控制股份有限公司,北京 100070)

摘 要:为了提高热轧带钢粗轧阶段头尾宽度控制精度,通常采用头尾形状短行程控制(SSC)的方法。针对传统短行程控制模型在实际应用中头尾宽度控制精度低的现实情况,采用一种全新的群智能寻优方法——粒子群遗传优化(PSGO)算法,结合现场工艺和实测数据优化短行程控制模型参数。现场实际应用表明:采用PSGO算法优化后的热轧带钢头尾短行程控制模型,能够将带钢头尾与稳定段宽度超差控制在1.8 mm之内,缩短了超差长度,将带钢头尾切损率减低到2%以下。

关键词:热轧带钢; 粗轧; 短行程控制; 粒子群遗传优化

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