文章页码:597 - 603
关键词:钻井泥浆; 天然有机化合物; 高聚物; 半乳糖; 甘露糖; 聚糖; 交联/田菁胶
Key words:drilling fluids; organic natural products; high polymer; galactose; mannose; glycan; crosslinking/sesbania cannabia pers gum
摘 要:作者近年研制并推广使用了一种新型无粘土钻井液——田菁胶无粘土冲洗液。本文运用红外光谱分析及电子显微镜等现代化测试技术和分析手段,分析探讨了田菁胶的交联反应机理,并导出了田菁胶与高价金属离子的交联反应式。
Abstract: A new kind of non-clay drilling fluid—Sesbania Cannabia pers gum non-claydrilling fluid has been developed by writer and has been widely used in China.This paper deals with the principle of crosslinking Chemical reaction of SesbaniaCannabia pets gum and presents the crosslinking chemical reaction equation of Sesbania Cannabia pets gum and metallic ions by means of modern measuring,testing and analysing techniques such as infrared spectrum and EM experiment.