


文章页码:1917 - 1924


Key words:laser beam welding; magnesium alloy; tensile properties; laser power; welding speed; focal position

摘    要:研究激光束焊接工艺参数如激光功率、焊接速度和焦点位置对AZ31B镁合金力学性能和显微组织的影响。采用不同的激光功率、焊接速度和焦点位置焊接了9种接头。焊接接头的拉伸性能与焊接区的微观组织和硬度有关。结果表明,采用激光功率2 500W,焊接速度5 m/min,焦点位置-1.5 mm时,所得的接头具有优良的拉伸性能。焊接区细晶粒的形成、较高的融化区硬度、均匀分布的细小析出物是得到优良拉伸性能的主要原因。


The effects of laser beam welding process parameters such as laser power, welding speed and focal position on mechanical properties and microstructure of AZ31B magnesium alloy were studied. Nine joints were fabricated using different levels of laser power, welding speed and focal position. Tensile properties of the welded joints were evaluated and correlated with the weld zone microstructure and hardness. It is found that the joints fabricated using a laser power of 2 500 W, welding speed of 5.5 m/min and focal position of -1.5 mm yield superior tensile properties compared with the other joints. The formation of very fine grains in weld region, higher fusion zone hardness and uniformly distributed finer precipitates are the main reasons for superior tensile properties of these joints.

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