

论文作者:高歌 胡建华 程呈 吴轩 张达

文章页码:1937 - 1943


Key words:electromagnetic compaction; metal powder; forming equation; pressed compact density

摘    要:针对Ag-Cu-Zn-Sn系多元金属混合粉料制备无镉中温银基钎料进行研究,探索压坯密度与压制压力、压制模量及压制速率的关系。采取理论分析、工艺实验和软件拟合曲线相结合的方法,构建了电磁压制条件下的高速率压型方程,为电磁压制工艺的数值模拟分析提供数学模型和相应的参数,提高数值仿真的准确性和可靠性。该结果为Ag-Cu-Zn-Sn系多元金属混合粉料进行合理的电磁压制工艺设计提供一定的理论价值和工程实践指导 意义。

Abstract: The multivariate mixed Ag-Cu-Zn-Sn metal powder used in the preparation of cadmium-free silver-based intermediate temperature filler metal was investigated. The relationships among pressed compact density and the pressing pressure, pressing modulus and suppression rate were explored. Through the combination of theoretical analysis, experiments and software fitting curve research methods, the high rate pressure type equations under the conditions of electromagnetic compaction were built. A mathematical model and corresponding parameters for numerical analysis of electromagnetic compaction process are provided, the accuracy and reliability of the numerical simulation are improved. The results provide theoretical value and practical significance of engineering for designing the electromagnetic compaction process of the multivariate mixed metal powder in the Ag-Cu-Zn-Sn system.

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