文章页码:427 - 433
关键词:机器人; 规划; 装配; 顺序; 知识/专家系统; 柔性
Key words:robots; planning; assembling; sequence; knowledge/expert system; flexible
摘 要:柔性装配及其装配顺序是近年来在计算机辅助制造和计算机集成制造系统方面的一个十分重要的研究领域。在知识表示和专家系统技术的基础上,本文首先简述了几种装配顺序的表示方法,提出一个柔性装配规划器的原型及其典型机构装配顺序的计算机模拟。本文所提出的方法,可以推广至更复杂的装配工作,并将为CAM和CIMS控制提出新的要求。
Abstract: The flexible assembly and its assembly sequence are a very important research and applicationarea in CAM and CIMS.Based on the knowledge representation and the expert system technique,some representations of the assembly sequences have been mentioned,a prototype of the flexibleassembly planner and its computer simulation for an assembly sequence of a typical mechanism havebeen proposed.The approach proposed in this paper can be generalized to more complex assemblywork,and put forward some new requirement for the control of the CAM and CIMS.