
Temperature field analysis and its application in hot continuous rolling of Inconel 718 superalloy

来源期刊:Acta Metallurgica Sinica2009年第2期

论文作者:Fengli SUI Wei LI Liqing CHEN Lintao WANG Xianghua LIU

Key words:Hot continuous rolling; Elastic-plastic finite element method (FEM); Coupled analysis; Temperature field; Inconel 718;

Abstract: A coupled thermo-mechanical model containing metal flow and temperature field for calculating temperature variation has been developed on fourteen-pass hot continu-ous rolling of round rod for Inconel 718 alloy using 3D elastic-plastic finite element method (FEM). The temperature of characteristic analysis points in the intermedi-ate cross-section of the workpiece has been simulated at initial temperature ranging nite element analysis and microstructural observation in cylindrical hot compression experiments, the appropriate hot continuous rolling technologies have been designed for rod products with different diameters. For a real rolling practice, the simulated surface temperature was examined and is in good agreement with the measured one.


Temperature field analysis and its application in hot continuous rolling of Inconel 718 superalloy

Fengli SUI1,Wei LI2,Liqing CHEN1,Lintao WANG2,Xianghua LIU1

(1.State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation,Northeastern University,Shenyang 110004,China;
2.R&D Center,Special Steel Branch,Baoshan Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200940,China)

Abstract:A coupled thermo-mechanical model containing metal flow and temperature field for calculating temperature variation has been developed on fourteen-pass hot continu-ous rolling of round rod for Inconel 718 alloy using 3D elastic-plastic finite element method (FEM). The temperature of characteristic analysis points in the intermedi-ate cross-section of the workpiece has been simulated at initial temperature ranging nite element analysis and microstructural observation in cylindrical hot compression experiments, the appropriate hot continuous rolling technologies have been designed for rod products with different diameters. For a real rolling practice, the simulated surface temperature was examined and is in good agreement with the measured one.

Key words:Hot continuous rolling; Elastic-plastic finite element method (FEM); Coupled analysis; Temperature field; Inconel 718;


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