论文作者:钟掘 卓志红 扬平
文章页码:166 - 168
关键词:小波变换; 故障诊断; 模式识别
Key words:wavelet transform; fault diagnosis; pattern recognition
摘 要:根据现有的小波理论和滚动轴承的振动特征,提出了傅里叶分析与小波分析相结合的包络- 小波分析法,研究了其基本原理和在滚动轴承故障诊断中的实际应用,并给出了诊断实例。
Abstract: According to wavelet theory and the vibration characteristics of rolling bearing, the envelope-wavele analysis of combining Fourier analysis with wavelet analysis was put forward. Its basic principle and practical application to rolling bearing diagnosis have been studied, and a diagnostic example was given.