
Synthesis of RE(OH)2Cl and REOCl (RE=Eu, Tb) nanostructures

来源期刊:Journal of Rare Earths2008年第2期

论文作者:S. V. Mahajan J. Hart J. Hood A. Everheart M. L. Redigolo D. S. Koktysh E. A. Payzant J. H. Dickerson

文章页码:131 - 135

摘    要:Anisotropic structures, nanoneedles, and nanospindles of rare earth hydroxychloride (RE(OH)2Cl) and oxychloride (REOCl) (rare earth=Eu and Tb) were synthesized. The rare earth hydroxychloride nanostructures were formed via a thermally assisted hydrolysis of the rare-earth sesquioxide nanocrystals. The morphological evolution of the nanostructures was studied using high-resolution transmission elec- tron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, while the structural evolution was investigated using X-ray diffraction techniques. The thermal stability of the rare earth hydroxychlorides was investigated using thermogravimetric analysis. The rare earth oxychloride nanospin- dles were synthesized via a simple heat-treatment of rare earth hydroxychloride nanospindles.


Synthesis of RE(OH)2Cl and REOCl (RE=Eu, Tb) nanostructures

S. V. Mahajan,J. Hart,J. Hood,A. Everheart,M. L. Redigolo,D. S. Koktysh,E. A. Payzant,J. H. Dickerson

摘 要:Anisotropic structures, nanoneedles, and nanospindles of rare earth hydroxychloride (RE(OH)2Cl) and oxychloride (REOCl) (rare earth=Eu and Tb) were synthesized. The rare earth hydroxychloride nanostructures were formed via a thermally assisted hydrolysis of the rare-earth sesquioxide nanocrystals. The morphological evolution of the nanostructures was studied using high-resolution transmission elec- tron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, while the structural evolution was investigated using X-ray diffraction techniques. The thermal stability of the rare earth hydroxychlorides was investigated using thermogravimetric analysis. The rare earth oxychloride nanospin- dles were synthesized via a simple heat-treatment of rare earth hydroxychloride nanospindles.


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