论文作者:翟玉春 傅崇说
文章页码:515 - 521
关键词:多组元体系; 溶解度; 活度; 溶度定则/相互作用参数
Key words:multicomponent system; solubility; activity; solubility rule/interaction parameters
摘 要:本文将Turkdogan规则和王之昌推广的偏摩尔量Φi恒定条件下的线性浓度规则扩展为抛物线浓度规则,这样就可适用于更大的浓度范围。在μi恒定的条件下,推导了一次项和二次项系数与一阶和二阶活度相互作用参数之间的关系。据此,可以计算溶解度,也可以求得一阶和二阶活度相互作用参数等。还提出了测算二阶活度相互作用参数的新方法。
In this paper,the Turkdogan′s rule and Wang Zhichang′s linear concentrationrule at constant partial molar quantity Φi are extended to a parabolic concentrationrule.As a result,the newly developed relationships can be applied to a largerconcentration range.At constant μi,the relationships between the first and second order coeffi-cients of Taylor series expansion and the first and second order interactionparameters arc derived.By virtue of these expressions,interaction parameters andsolubility can be calculated.A method for measuring and calculating the secondorder interaction parameters has been given.The above conclusions have bccn verified by various published data.