


论文作者:袁海平 曹平 周正义

文章页码:381 - 384


Key words:double torsion specimen; subcritical crack growth; fracture toughness; block cavingmethod

摘    要:采用双扭试件常位移松弛法,对金川软弱复杂矿岩进行亚临界裂纹扩展试验研究。得出采场矿岩亚临界裂纹扩展速度与应力强度因子之间的关系,矿岩断裂韧度为(1.508 4±0.114 3) MN·m-3/2;试验相关系数为0.925 4,表明lgKI-lgv关系曲线呈直线,数据离散性大是岩石本身的矿物成分、颗粒大小、力学性质的不均匀所致。该试验结果为预测金川Ⅲ矿软弱复杂矿岩自然崩落速度提供了可靠依据。

Abstract: The constant-displacement-relax method of double torsion specimens was applied to study subcritical crack growth of flabby and intricate ore in Jinchuan mine. The relationship between subcritical crack velocity and stress intensity factor is obtained. And the fracture toughness is (1.508 4±0.114 3) MN·m-3/2. The multiple correlation coefficient is 0.925 4, which shows that the curve of lgKI-lgvis linear magnificently, and the high discretion of data is caused by mineral composition, separator size and mechanical property of rock itself. Reliable references are provided by the testing results for forecasting the block caving velocity of ore in JinchuanⅢmine.



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