论文作者:严群 周娜娜
文章页码:60 - 65
关键词:重金属污染土壤; 植物修复; 效果;影响;植物处理;进展
Key words:heavy metal contaminated soils; phytoremediation; effect; influence; plant treatment; progress
摘 要:土壤重金属污染的危害日趋普遍和严重,使用传统的物理、化学修复方法成本高,对环境扰动大,利用以阳光为能源的植物去修复被重金属污染的土壤是一种有应用前景的技术.为了了解植物修复的应用现状与进展,对近年来国内外在这方面的研究工作进行了综述,介绍了常用于修复重金属污染土壤的几类植物,并对这些植物及它们的不同部位对不同重金属的累积效果和影响修复效果的因素作了概括,并介绍了如何提高植物的修复效率.对累积了重金属的植物目前的处理方法也做了介绍,当前对植物的处理方法做的研究较少,还有待更多的探索研究.植物修复具有成本低、利于土壤生态系统的保持等优点,但也有其不足之处.为了更好地修复被重金属污染的土壤,还需要对植物修复做进一步的研究与改进.
Abstract: The hazards of heavy metal contaminated soils have become increasingly common and serious. The traditional physical and chemical remediation methods are high cost with serious environmental disturbances. Using plants to absorb energy from the sun to repair the heavy metal contaminated soils is a promising technique. This paper reviews the researches on heavy metal contaminated soils by phytoremediation to know the application status and progress in this field. Plants used in phytoremediation, the cumulative effects, different functions of their parts on heavy metals, influence factors, repair efficiency are introduced. Due to limited researches on plant treatment, phytoremediation needs more explorations and researches. Though phytoremediation has its unique advantages, including low cost and friendly to soil ecological system, it has some weaknesses.