论文作者:张泰山 谢长焱 邓永红 王修岩 周孚宏
文章页码:511 - 515
关键词:计算机; 模糊控制; 加压机; 变频调速
Key words:computer; fuzzy control; repressuring machine; regulating speed by varying fre-quency
摘 要:介绍了混合煤气加压机模糊控制系统的组成原理、硬件结构和软件框图.系统采用智能模糊控制器,并在模糊控制查询在的2个量化级之间引入按偏差量化余数的比例调节,使模糊控制量连续化,从而提高模糊控制的效果,该系统已成功地应用于生产过程,运行结果表明,系统的静态精度高,动态品质好,工作可靠,控制功能强,是一种较完善的计算机模糊控制系统.
Abstract: This articles discussed composition principle,hardware constructure and softwareblock diagram of computer fuzzy control system for mixed gas repressuring machine. Thesystem adopts intelligent fuzzy controller, Between two quantized grades of fuzzy control inquiring table, the proportional regulating according to remainder of quantized error has beenintroduced. It improves the effect of fuzzy control. The system has been successfully appliedto the producing process.The operating results show that the static accuracy is very high; the dynamic property is pretty good; the work is reliable and the control functions are strong.Itis a complete computer fuzzy control system for mixed gas repressuring machine.