

论文作者:赵坤民 常颖 唐行辉 王斌 盈亮 王存宇

文章页码:1208 - 1215


Key words:hot forming; 22MnB5 steel; interfacial heat transfer coefficient(IHTC); heat balance method; Beck’s non-linear estimation method; FEM optimization

摘    要:根据高强度钢热成形特点,通过圆台模具实验,分别利用热平衡法、Beck非线性估算法以及基于优化的有限元仿真法(FEM优化法)求解热成形用22MnB5钢在模具淬火下的实时界面换热系数(IHTC),并对3种求解方法的结果和适用性进行比较和仿真验证。研究结果表明:Beck非线性估算法、热平衡法与FEM优化法3种方法求解IHTC的平均误差率分别为3.7%,7.5%和10.3%左右,Beck非线性估算法最准确;同时,得出马氏体相变的发生会对样件与模具间的IHTC有正的增益效果,压强与IHTC间存在着近似幂函数关系。

Abstract: The real-time interfacial heat transfer coefficient (IHTC) of 22MnB5 steel in hot forming process was calculated by means of heat balance method, Beck’s non-linear estimation method and optimization-based finite element simulation. The results show an average error of 3.7% for Beck’s non-linear estimation method, 7.5% for heat balance method, and 10.3% for finite element simulation. The positive effect of martensitic transformation on interfacial heat transfer coefficient is obtained. Additionally, the relationship between the pressure and the heat transfer coefficient is approximated by a power function.


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