


论文作者:薄祥正 方鸿生 杨志刚 王家军

文章页码:69 - 75

关键词:贝氏体; 表面浮突; 亚单元; 激发形核; 台阶

Key words:bainite; surface relief; subunit; sympathetic nucleation; ledge

摘    要:首次用扫描隧道显微镜(STM)观察了Cu-Zn-Al合金的贝氏体和马氏体表面浮突,发现贝氏体浮突是由许多亚单元组成的浮突群,单个亚单元浮突呈“V”型,不同于马氏体相变不变平面应变的“N”型浮突,从而说明贝氏体不可能切变形成。同时在实验结果的基础上,提出了贝氏体激发形核-台阶生长的形成机制。

Abstract: Surface reliefs with bainite and martensite transformations in Cu-Zn-Al alloys have been investigated with scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). It was discovered that the surface relief of bainite is actually flocks of reliefs of subunits and the surface relief of each bainite subunit is tent-shaped, which is different from the N-shaped(IPS) surface relief of martensite. So bainite can t be formed by shear. On the basis of the experimental results, sympathetic nucleationledgewise growth mechanism of bainite was proposed.


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