论文作者:姜国圣 王志法 张迎九 许桢 刘芳 赵小明
文章页码:395 - 398
关键词:DG合金; 复合材料; 电阻性能; 扩散
Key words:DG alloy; composites ; electrical property ; diffusion
摘 要:采用粉末冶金方法,制备了用于电力电子半导体支撑板的一种新型的FeNi/Cu复合材料(简称DG合金), 详细研究了DG合金,电阻性能的各种影响因素——铜含量、 烧结温度、 FeNi粉和铜粉的粒度、 Cu纤维的长径比。实验结果表明:DG合金的电阻率不仅与铜含量有关,还与FeNi与Cu相的界面扩散、 分布形态、结合强度有关。
Abstract: DG alloy, which is a new kind of composites composed of FeNi and Cu and used for power semiconductor support materials, was made by powder metallurgy. Many factors affecting DG alloy electrical resistivity including Cu content, sintering temperature, the particle size of FeNi powder and Cu powder, the ratio of length to radius of Cu fiber, were studied. The experimental results showed that the change of electrical resistivity of DG composites is mainly relevant to the distribution and the diffusion of FeNi phase and Cu phase as well as Cu content.