文章页码:725 - 730
关键词:褶皱; 表层; 模拟实验; 主波长理论
Key words:fold; surface-layer; imitation experiment; Dominant Wavelength Theory
摘 要:本文讨论了Biot和Ramberg提出的“主波长理论”的局限性,并提出了一个适用于主单层位于表层时褶皱的“主波长理论”;此外,运用弹性材料的褶皱实验对此改进理论加以验证。
Abstract: In this paper, the limitation of Blot and Ramherg's "Dominant Wavelength Theory" isdiscussed, and modified theory applicable to the folds of single layer as a surface-layer is pro-posed. In addition, the modified "Dominant Wavelength Theory" is proved by experimentalfolding in elastic materials.