


论文作者:关鲁雄 李家元 王婷 李娟 钟文毅

文章页码:731 - 736


Key words:sol-gel method; hydrothermal treatment; doping; nano-crystallite TiO2; photocatalysi

摘    要:采用溶胶凝胶水热后处理法制备掺杂铜和钒的纳米二氧化钛,并对所得的纳米二氧化钛光催化剂的成分、结构与光催化性能的关系进行研究。用X射线衍射、荧光光谱、紫外可见漫反射光谱对其进行分析。研究结果表明:其晶粒直径约为6 nm;电子空穴分离效率提高;对可见光响应显著增强。通过光催化降解模拟实验,发现该二氧化钛粉末对甲基橙有机废水的降解率达到97.9%,所得到的掺杂纳米二氧化钛光催化剂扩大了对可见光响应范围,提高了光催化降解效率。

Abstract: Nanometer TiO2doped with Cu2+ and V5+ was prepared by sol-gel method and hydrothermal treatment. Relationship between the ingredient and structure of photocatalyst of nanometer TiO2 and photocatalysis was investigated. The structure and photocatalysis of nano-meter TiO2 obtained were studied by X-ray diffraction, fluorescence spectrum and ultraviolet visible diffuse reflection spectrum. The results show that the nanometer-sized TiO2 has a crystal-line diameter of 6 nm. The efficiency of electron-cavity separated is increased. The scope of visible light absorbed is increased. Through the photocatalysis decomposed simulation experiment,the degradation rate of TiO2 for organic waste water containing methyl orange reaches 97.9%.The doped nanometer TiO2 increases the scope in which the visible light is absorbed, and the efficiency is improved.




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