文章页码:548 - 550
Key words:gray correlation analysis; decision making; best index _system
摘 要:针对动态多指标问题决策特点,构造相 关矩阵,并利用特征根、特征向量的性质,采用迭代法,去掉相关性较大的指标得到最佳指标体系,并由此确定最佳指标体系的权重.同时,利用灰色关联分析方法 的思想,提出了一种新的决策方法,并将其应用于经济决策的实际问题中,取得了较好的效果
Abstract: In this paper, for making the dynamic multiple attribute developing decision, the correlation matrix is made by using the mathematics methods, the best index _system is formed by using the character of eigenvalue and eigenvector to delete theoe unimportant and relative indexes, and the power of each index of the best index _system is attained. Utilizing the gray theory, a new method is proposed, and this method is applied to economic appraisal. Examples show the rationality of the new method.