论文作者:罗兵辉 柏振海 谢绍俊 周华 周东海
文章页码:60 - 62
关键词:铝镁合金; 应力腐蚀; 晶界偏析; 氢脆
Key words:Al-Mg alloy; stress corrosion; grain boundary segregation; hydrogen embrittlement
摘 要:用恒伸长速率试验和电镜,研究了不同镁含量的铝镁铸造合金在3.0%NaCl水溶液中的应力腐蚀行为.研究结果表明,镁含量增加,合金的强度增加,应力腐蚀敏感性增大,低镁且添加一定的硅的铝镁合金经T4处理,具有较高的机械性能及较好的抗应力腐蚀性能.m(Mg)∶m(Si)>1.73时,合金中过剩MG在晶界上偏聚,加速应力腐蚀过程.
Abstract: Stress corrosion behavior of casting Al-Mg alloy which contained different Mg contents in 3.0%NaCl solution were investigated by means of constant elongation rate testing(CERT) and electron microscope. The results indicated that the strength and the SCC susceptibility of the alloy increased with the increase of Mg content. Al-Mg alloy containing proper Mg and Si had higher mechanical properties and lower SCC susceptibility. When m (Mg)∶ m (Si)>1.73 in Al-Mg alloy,Mg segregated in grain boundary and Mg grain boundary segregation accelerated the stress corrosion of alloy.