

论文作者:李成明 贺志勇 徐重

文章页码:185 - 188


Key words:ion bombardment; W-Mo surface alloying; solute-vacancy complex; diffusion

摘    要:对双层辉光离子钨钼共渗在离子轰击条件下形成的渗层和无离子轰击时形成的渗层进行了对比,计算了溶质原子钨和钼与空位的结合能。据溶质-空位复合体扩散的能量条件,提出溶质-空位复合体扩散机制在双层辉光离子钨钼共渗中起重要作用。由此解释了双层辉光离子钨钼共渗的W和Mo原子快速扩散现象和渗后冷却中大量金属间化合物在晶界的析出。

Abstract: The W-Mo alloy layers were obtained by double glow plasma surface alloying technique. The alloying results were compared between processing conditions: with or without ion bombardment on the surface of substrate. The binding energy of vacancy with the solute atoms of W and Mo was calculated. According to the energy condition of solute-vacancy complex diffusion, the mechanism of solute-vacancy diffusion played an important role in the double glow plasma surface alloying process. The results explained the high diffusion efficiency of W-Mo atoms in the alloying process and gave the precipitation of large quantity of intermetallics at grain boundaries during the cooling process after the alloying treatment.


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