论文作者:桃林铅锌矿 湖南省冶金研究所 中南矿冶学院
文章页码:56 - 62
关键词:微差起爆; 时间间隔; 补偿空间; 天井; 深孔; 测时法; 槽孔; 爆破效果; 毫秒雷管; 掘进
摘 要:本文采用独特的钢轨接碴测时法测定了槽腔落碴时间,作为确定合理微差起爆时间间隔的依据。并分析了补偿空间大小对确定此时间间隔的影响,最后选择了各炮孔合理的毫秒雷管段数,从而保证盲天井深孔掘进的爆破效果。
Abstract: This paper describes a particular method in which a rail is impacted by blasted rock fragment for measuring the falling time in vacant cavity formed by blasting, and this method is used as a base for determining the suitable interval of millisecond initiation of individual hole. This paper analyses also the affection of the "Complementary Space" formed by uncharged large holes or vacant cavity by blasting on the determination of the interval. Finally, the proper delay tag number of millisecond detonator is chosen for individual hole. This, consequently, assures tle satisfactory effect in the driving of blind raise using longholes.