
Molten salt synthesis and luminescent properties of YVO4:Eu nanocrystalline phosphors


论文作者:王芳 刘成露 周志强 贾佩云 林君

文章页码:202 - 204

摘    要:YVO4:Eu nanocrystalline phosphors were successfully prepared at 400 oC in equal moles of NaNO3 and KNO3 molten salts. NaOH concentration and annealing temperature played important roles in phase purity and crystallinity of the nanocrystallines, and the optimum NaOH concentration and annealing temperature were 6:40 and 400 oC, respectively. The nanocrystallines were well crystallized with a cubic morphology in an average grain size of 18 nm. Upon excitation of the vanadate groups at 314 nm, YVO4:Eu nanocrystallines exhibited the characteristic emission of Eu3+, which indicated that there was an energy transfer from vanadate groups to Eu3+. Moreover, the influence of superficial effect, especially the dangling bonds on the structure and luminescent properties of the nanocrystallines was discussed in detail.


Molten salt synthesis and luminescent properties of YVO4:Eu nanocrystalline phosphors


1. School of Sciences, Northeast Forestry University2. State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Resource Utilization, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

摘 要:YVO4:Eu nanocrystalline phosphors were successfully prepared at 400 oC in equal moles of NaNO3 and KNO3 molten salts. NaOH concentration and annealing temperature played important roles in phase purity and crystallinity of the nanocrystallines, and the optimum NaOH concentration and annealing temperature were 6:40 and 400 oC, respectively. The nanocrystallines were well crystallized with a cubic morphology in an average grain size of 18 nm. Upon excitation of the vanadate groups at 314 nm, YVO4:Eu nanocrystallines exhibited the characteristic emission of Eu3+, which indicated that there was an energy transfer from vanadate groups to Eu3+. Moreover, the influence of superficial effect, especially the dangling bonds on the structure and luminescent properties of the nanocrystallines was discussed in detail.


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