
Fuzzy controller based on chaos optimal design and its application


论文作者:邹恩 李祥飞 张泰山

文章页码:98 - 101

Key words:fuzzy controller; chaos algorithm; parameter; optimal control

Abstract: In order to overcome difficulty of tuning parameters of fuzzy controller, a chaos optimal design method based on annealing strategy is proposed. First, apply the chaotic variables to search for parameters of fuzzy contro-ller, and transform the optimal variables into chaotic variables by carrier-wave method. Making use of the intrinsic stochastic prop-erty and ergodicity of chaos movement to escape from the local minimum and direct optimization searching within global range, an approximate global optimal solution is obtained. Then, the chaos local searching and optimization based on an-nealing strategy are cited, the parameters are optimized again within the limits of the approximate global optimal solution,the optimization is realized by means of combination of global and partial chaos searching, which can converge quickly to global optimal value. Finally, the third order system and discrete nonlinear system are simulated and compared with tradi-tional method of fuzzy control. The results show that the new chaos optimal design method is superior to fuzzy control method, and that the control results are of high precision, with no overshoot and fast response.



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