

论文作者:李谦 周国治

文章页码:1934 - 1953


Key words:rare earth-magnesium alloys; intermetallic compounds; phase interfaces; thermodynamics; kinetics

摘    要:镁合金是实现航空航天、交通运输、民用建筑等轻量化、缓解日益严重的能源问题的重要材料之一。本文以稀土镁合金为对象,聚焦多元体系中关键相对合金性能的作用机制,从热力学上分析稀土镁合金中的金属间化合物种类及其物相稳定性,进一步总结相变动力学模型及其在稀土镁合金相转变机理分析中的应用。讨论相结构和界面对稀土镁合金力学性能、耐蚀性能和储氢性能的影响规律,展望通过调控关键相和第二相转变设计新型稀土镁合金的前景和发展方向。

Abstract: Magnesium alloys are one of the important materials to realize the lightweight of aerospace, transportation, civil construction, etc, and to alleviate the increasingly serious energy problems. In this paper, the rare earth-magnesium (RE-Mg) alloys were taken as the object. Focusing on the effect of key phases on the properties in multicomponent alloys, the intermetallic compounds and their stability in the RE-Mg system were thermodynamically analyzed, and then the recent phase transformation kinetic models as well as their applications in phase transformation mechanism analysis of RE-Mg alloys were reviewed. It discusses the effects of phase crystal structure and interface on the mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and hydrogen storage properties, and looks forward to the prospect and development directions of new type RE-Mg alloys designed by controlling the phase transformation of key phases and second phases.

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