


论文作者:宋守根 袁修贵 白尤军

文章页码:633 - 637

关键词:粘弹性; 介质; 地震波; 波场外推; 复合波分离

Key words:viscoelasticity; medium; seismic wave; wave field extrapolation; compounded wave decomposition

摘    要:从粘弹性波动方程出发,建立了一种地震散射波场纵横向高分辨波场外推方法.这一方法有别于当前完全弹性介质三大波场外推方法(即有限差法、克希霍夫法和F-K法);同时,与N.Bleistein和J.K.Cohen成像方法也不同,它对积分方程无需作线性化近似而进行反演,具有较大的适应性,能改善地震资料纵横向分辨率.此外,作者还通过实例对该理论推断予以验证.

Abstract: In this paper, the method of wave field extrapolation and decomposition of seismic compound wave in viscoeleastic medium is presented, based on wave equation. This method is different from the three classical methods of wave field extrapolation in elastic medium. This method is also different from the Bleistein and Cohen's imaging method, because Born's linearization and any other linerization are not needed. This method can be used in many cases effectively.



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