

论文作者:钟媛玲 邓启红 刘刚

文章页码:15 - 19


Key words:public buildings; air-conditioning system; integrated energy efficiency ratio

摘    要:通过对深圳市公共建筑空调系统的调研分析发现,空调系统大部分时间都在部分负荷下运行,且国内的标准细则对空调系统的评价指标只是针对单个设备,对系统暂时还没有一套简单可行的评价指标。因此,从空调系统部分负荷能效系数的影响因素方面提出空调系统设计综合能效比的概念和计算方法,为国家对空调系统标准的制定和完善以及正在推广执行的民用建筑能效测评标识工作中对空调系统的评价提供理论依据。


Through analyzing the air-conditioning systems in Shenzhen public buildings, it is found that the air-conditioning systems mainly run under partial load, and the domestic standard rules on the evaluation of the air-conditioning system are just for a single device, the system temporarily does not have a simple and feasible evaluation index. According to the impact factors of air-conditioning system partial load energy efficiency coefficient, the concept of air-conditioning system designing integrated energy efficiency ratio is proposed, which provides theoretical basis for drafting and improving standard rules for air-conditioning system as well as evaluation of air-conditioning systems for civil building energy efficiency evaluation technical system.


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