

论文作者:罗超 武胜 谢志毅 王震宏

文章页码:354 - 357

关键词:铀铌合金; 铸造; 晶粒度; 计算机模拟

Key words:uranium-niobium alloy; cast; grain size; computer simulation

摘    要:利用ProCast和CalcoSoft 3D软件中的CA FE模块,采用元胞自动机 有限元方法(Cellularautomaton fi niteelement),对U Nb合金以50℃/min的铸造冷却速度铸造的d107mm/d77mm×80mm管形铸件作为算例,对该铸件的微观组织和晶粒度进行模拟计算。结果表明:U Nb合金的凝固微观组织的晶粒度变化规律为,在铸件的同一高度上,内层晶粒半径<外层晶粒半径<中间层晶粒半径;按从上到下的顺序晶粒半径逐渐减小。用金相方法实测了U Nb合金铸件在各个高度位置之中间层的凝固微观组织晶粒半径,实测值小于模拟计算值近1倍,但是二者晶粒度的变化趋势是一致的,模拟结果达到了定性或半定量的水平。

Abstract: Using cellular automaton-finite element method, the casting grain size of d107 mm/d77 mm×80 mm tube-like part for Uranium-2%(mass fraction) Niobium alloy in the cooling rate of about 50 ℃/min was simulated by professional software ProCast and CalcoSoft-3D. The simulated results show that the casting grain size varied from the inner to the outer in the same height of section of the casting part as following: the inner grain size

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