

论文作者:周宇 周红琼 叶庆卫 王晓东

文章页码:684 - 688


Key words:quality of IP network; Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence; uncertainty measurement; data fusion

摘    要:针对现有网络质量评估方法只能给出综合评价结果、不能给出评估结果的确定性和不确定性度量、无法处理评估中的未知因素等缺点,将D-S证据理论引入网络评价领域,以网络应用为导向,建立一种互联网质量评价层次结构,利用两级D-S结构进行证据融合得到网络质量评价结果。经计算可知,两级的D-S证据融合推理模型极大限度地消除了不确定性,提高了网络评价的准确性和可靠性。

Abstract: Only one comprehensive result can be gotten from existing methods for evaluating network quality, which cannot provide the certainty or uncertainty of the result. Therefore, we do not know how to deal with the unknown factors in the process of evaluating. In this paper, D-S evidence theory is introduced into network evaluation area. Take the network application as guide, an Internet quality evaluation hierarchical structure is established. The network quality evaluation results are obtained by using the two levels of the D-S structure to fuse evidence. The calculated results show that the model using two levels of D-S structure to fuse evidence eliminates the uncertainty to a great extent, and the accuracy and reliability of the network evaluation are improved effectively.


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