A free search algorithm with double populations for QoS multicast routing


论文作者:孔笋 陈增强

文章页码:124 - 129

Key words:QoS; multicast routing; free search algorithm; double populations

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a modified free search (FS) algorithm to solve QoS multicast routing problem. Based on basic FS, the algorithm introduces an auxiliary population to retain the suboptimal solutions searched in order to keep the algorithm from falling into local optimum. In addition, the algorithm is improved by variable neighbor space and preserving excellent members. Considering the operation mode of FS algorithm, we adopt path-based method to construct multicast trees and transform tree optimization problem into function optimization problem. The performance and efficiency of the proposed algorithm are evaluated in comparison with other common algorithms. The results of the experiments show that the new algorithm has the better comprehensive performance.

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