论文作者:廖世杰 田荣璋
文章页码:60 - 65
关键词:数学模型; 温度场; 定向凝固
Key words:Mathematical model; Temperafure field; Unidirectional solidification
摘 要:作者在广泛研究国内外定向凝固温度分布数学模型的基础上,从温度和时间,温度和凝固距离的物理概念出发,运用近代凝固理论和数学方法,建立了定向凝固固-液界面温度场的偏微分方程,并严格的求解,获得了固-液界面温度场的数学模型,通过此数学模型可以求出一系列的凝固热参数,即温度梯度G,凝固速率R,冷却速态V,固-液界面特征温度Tc。
Abstract: A series of math models used for the determination of the temperature distribution during unidirectional Solidification have been reviewed and discussed. In terms of the solution of differential equation about heat toansfer,a theoretical model which discribed the temperature field of S—L interface in this situation has been developed in the form of T=B1exp(B2x+B3τ)+B4 by the authors.Some ofheat parameters such as temp.gradient G,Solidification rate R,cooling velocity V and characteristic temp,Tc have been derived from this model,that is G=B1B2,V=B1B3,R=-B3/B2,Tc=B1+B2.