文章页码:313 - 319
关键词:数字图象处理; 计算机图形学; 照度分布; 灰度校正
Key words:image processing; computer graphics; illuminance distribution; grey correction
摘 要:本文在研究典型光源条件下典型曲面上照度分布计算方法的基础上,获得非均匀照度条件下的曲面图象灰度校正方法及曲面图象生成方法,并通过计算机图象处理实验证实了其正确性.
Abstract: This paper deals with the algorithm of illuminance distribution on several special cambers under the typical light source. The algorithm of gray correction for images and image generation on cambersunder the uneven illuminance have been derived. The experiments of image processing have shown that the algorithm is correct.