
Synthesis and Properties of Rare Earth Complexes with 3-Ferrocenyl-5-Phenyl-Pyrazoline-1-Dithiocarbamate

来源期刊:Journal of Rare Earths1993年第2期

论文作者:鲁文杰 王星堂 韩晓军 陈敏

文章页码:85 - 88

摘    要:<正> Sodium 3-ferrocenyl-5-phenyl-pyrazoline-1-dithiocarbamate (FPPD) reacts with anhydrousrare earth chlorides in absolute ethanol to give 14 new complexes.The results of elemental analysis show thatthe compositions of the complexes are RE(FPPD)3·nH2O(RE=La,Pr~Lu and Y;n=3).The ligand andits complexes have been characterized by infrared spectroscopy,UV-visible absorptionspectroscopy,1H-NMR spectra,thermal analysis and molar conductivity measurement.


Synthesis and Properties of Rare Earth Complexes with 3-Ferrocenyl-5-Phenyl-Pyrazoline-1-Dithiocarbamate


摘 要:<正> Sodium 3-ferrocenyl-5-phenyl-pyrazoline-1-dithiocarbamate (FPPD) reacts with anhydrousrare earth chlorides in absolute ethanol to give 14 new complexes.The results of elemental analysis show thatthe compositions of the complexes are RE(FPPD)3·nH2O(RE=La,Pr~Lu and Y;n=3).The ligand andits complexes have been characterized by infrared spectroscopy,UV-visible absorptionspectroscopy,1H-NMR spectra,thermal analysis and molar conductivity measurement.


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