Extension of analytical model of solid-state phase transformation


论文作者:姜伊辉 刘峰 宋韶杰

文章页码:1176 - 1181


Key words:non-isothermal transformation; analytical model; initial transformation temperature; approximation

摘    要:基于固态相变解析模型,提出推导非等温固态相变的转变分数的新解析方法。该方法将转变起始温度和精确的温度积分引入到解析模型,从而得到扩展的解析模型。计算表明,扩展的解析模型能够准确地预测计算得到的转变分数与转变速率。扩展的解析模型与原有解析模型相比,它能够更加准确地描述相变过程的动力学行为。在转变初始温度较高的情况下,扩展的解析模型具有优越性。同时,从扩展的解析模型得到的动力学参数比原有解析模型的更合理、准确。

Abstract: Departing from an analytical phase transformation model, a new analytical approach to deduce transformed fraction for non-isothermal phase transformation was developed. In the new approach, the effect of the initial transformation temperature and the accurate “temperature integral” approximations are incorporated to obtain an extended analytical model. Numerical approach demonstrated that the extended analytical model prediction for transformed fraction and transformation rate is in good agreement with the exact numerical calculation. The new model can describe more precisely the kinetic behavior than the original analytical model, especially for transformation with relatively high initial transformation temperature. The kinetic parameters obtained from the new model are more accurate and reasonable than those from the original analytical model.


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