论文作者:胡志刚 钟掘
文章页码:69 - 71
Key words:uncoupling; communication mechanism; distributed; parallel cooperative solving
摘 要:随着并行工程、分布式人工智能学科的发展,从分布式协同求解角度进行解耦研究成为复杂机电系统的重要研究方向.作者介绍了基于分布式并行协同求解进行解耦设计的组织原则和策略,描述了协同求解智能主体的内部结构和功能模块,说明了每一智能主体的工作机理,并进而对协同求解过程中的通信机制作出初步设计.
Abstract: With the development of concurrent engineering(CE) and distributed artificial intelligence(DAI),from the view of distributed cooperative solving,uncoupling study has become a major research direction in the complicated mechanical and electrical system.This paper presents the organizational principle and tactics for uncoupling design based on distributed parallel cooperative solving,describes the internal structure and functional models of the cooperative solving expert agent(EA),and also determines the mechanism for every EA and preliminary designing for communication mechanism in the process of cooperative solving.