

论文作者:金长宇 刘冬 邵安林 丁成功 范富泉

文章页码:437 - 445


Key words:rock mechanics; broken orebody; stope span; optimization analysis; numerical simulation

摘    要:以焦家金矿-390 m中段为试验采场,对采场进路跨度进行优化研究。通过现场观测、节理扫描、声波测试确定矿体的地质情况与力学特性,建立适合模拟破碎矿体的数值计算模型;利用Hoek-Brown强度准则与反分析手段确定计算参数,结合FLAC3D数值模拟对6种不同跨度的进路进行分析计算。研究结果表明:当采场进路跨度从3.5 m增加至6.5 m时,顶板的位移、塑性区体积随跨度增大而呈线性增加;当采场跨度大于7.5 m后,采场顶板的位移、塑性区体积随跨度增大而急剧增大,围岩进入塑性阶段;当-390 m中段进路跨度为7.5 m时,可以满足矿岩体的自稳要求,证明本文分析方法是正确而且可行的。

Abstract: The -390 m middle segment of Jiaojia Gold Mine was used as the test stope to optimize the approach span of the stope. The geological conditions and mechanical properties of the ore rock were determined by in situ observations, joints scanning and acoustic wave tests. A numerical simulation model suitable for jointed rock mass was established. The calculation parameters were gained by Hoek-Brown strength criterion and back-analysis. Combined with FLAC3D numerical simulation, six different approach spans were calculated and analyzed. The results show that the displacement of the roof and the volume of the plastic zone increase linearly with the increase of the span when the access span of the stope increases from 3.5 m to 6.5 m. When the stop span exceeds 7.5 m, the displacement and plastic zone volume of stop roof increase sharply with the increase of span, and the surrounding rock has entered the plastic stage. It is determined that the -390 m midcourse approach span is 7.5 m, which can meet the stability requirements of rock mass. The proposed analysis method is proved to be correct and feasible.


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