Multi-wall carbon nanotubes reinforced aluminum composites synthesized by hot press sintering and squeeze casting


论文作者:张学习 杨丽 邓春锋 王德尊

文章页码:1465 - 1469

Key words:metal matrix composites (MMCs); carbon nanotubes (CNTs); mechanical properties; aluminum alloy; microstructure

Abstract: Multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) have high mechanical properties and are considered a kind of realistic reinforcement for polymers, ceramics and metals. The hot press sintering and squeeze casting were adopted to synthesize MWNTs reinforced aluminum composites. In hot press sintered MWNTs/Al composites, MWNTs agglomerates distribute along aluminum powders and have low bonding strength with aluminum. But MWNTs agglomerates distribute evenly in the squeeze cast MWNTs/Al composites. Some dispersed nanotubes bond well with aluminum matrix and few dislocations can be found in the nanotube areas, which implies little thermal residual stress in squeeze cast MWNTs/Al composites. This indicates that the strengthen mechanisms in nanometer sized MWNTs/Al composites may be different from that in micrometer sized whisker composites.

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