

论文作者:程新功 宗西举

文章页码:198 - 202


Key words:transfer function; Laplace transfer; distributed parameter control system; boundary observation; time delay; stability; proper; well-posed

摘    要:研究一类线性分布参数控制系统带有时间延迟观测器的边界反馈控制下系统的传递函数的性质。首先根据经典控制理论传递函数的定义引出分布参数控制系统的传递函数,并分析分布参数控制系统的传递函数与有理分式型的传递函数的联系与区别;然后,考虑带有时间延迟边界反馈控制的(1+1)维的线性Schrodinger方程的开环传递函数和闭环传递函数;最后考虑(1+1)维的线性Schrodinger方程在时间延迟边界反馈控制的传递函数的性质。

Abstract: The transfer functions of the linear distributed parameter control systems are studied under the boundary conditions with time delay. First, Transfer functions of the linear distributed parameter control systems is derived similar to that of lumped parameter control systems, which plays an important role in representing the relation between input and output and in describing the stability of the system. The open-loop and closed-loop transfer functions for the (1+1)-dimensional linear Schrodinger system under output feedback control by boundary observation with time delay are considered.

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